This is a brief description of the tests in the file test-suite-session.tcl. These tests can be run with the command "./test-all-session". Session1: Test one session on a simple topology. n3 / 1.5Mb,10ms / 1.5Mb,10ms n0 --------- n1 \ 1.5Mb,10ms \ n2 Events: time = 0.3, a CBR source at n2 starts sending to group 0x8001 time = 0.3, four LossMonitor receivers, sitting at n0, n1, n2, and n3 respectively, join the group 0x8001 time = 1.1, simulation ends and prints number of packets received/lost at the receivers test-output-Session1.Z: This is the compressed Test/Session1 output trace, generated by 'namtrace-all' command. This command should capture the details of packets being duplicated/scheduled by sources and received by receivers. Session2: Test one session on a six-node topology n0 / \ n1 n2 / \ / \ n3 n4 n5 All links are of 1.5Mbps bandwidth with 10ms latency Events: time = 0.1, CBR source at n0 starts time = 0.2, LossMonitor receivers at n0-n5 join group 0x8002 time = 1.6, Simulation ends and prints #pkts received/lost at the receivers test-output-Session2.Z: This is the compressed Test/Session2 output trace, generated by 'namtrace-all' command. This command should capture the details of packets being duplicated/scheduled by sources and received by receivers. Session3: Test one session on a six node topology with inserted errors n0 / \ n1 n2 / \ / \ n3 n4 n5 All links are of 1.5Mbps bandwidth with 10ms latency Events: t=0, Loss module with 1-loss/20-packet rate is inserted in between n0 and n1 t=0, Loss module with 1-loss/10-packet rate is inserted in between n1 and n3 t=0, Loss module with 1-loss/10-packet rate is inserted in between n0 and n2 The rest is the same as Session2 test-output-Session3.Z: This is the compressed Test/Session3 output trace, generated by 'namtrace-all' command. This command should capture the details of packets being duplicated/scheduled by sources and received/lost at receivers.